

Showcasing tangible solutions to global and local challenges

Programme for People and Planet
Technology & Innovation
Sustainable Development
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Expo City Dubai’s Global Best Practice Assembly is a platform for showcasing simple yet impactful interventions that localise the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

These events, part of our Programme for People and Planet, spotlight projects from Expo 2020's Global Best Practice Programme which provide tangible solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

The programme focuses on five areas:
  1. Inclusive and sustainable service delivery

  2. Livelihoods and enterprise development

  3. Social development

  4. Resilient habitats

  5. Water, food and energy security

Event highlights

Global Best Practice Assembly at Expo 2020 Dubai

Our Global Best Practice Assembly programme launched at Expo 2020 Dubai during 2022's Global Goals Week, the first to be held outside of the UN General Assembly in New York. The event showcased select projects from Expo 2020’s Global Best Practice Programme, handpicked by representatives from Bureau International des Expositions, the University of Cambridge, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank and UN-Water among others.

Follow the links below for information on the Programme for People and Planet's signature formats:
World Majlis
Women's World Majlis
Connecting Minds Book Club

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