

Sustainable Cities in Action Forum 2024 spotlighted three key priorities for future urban development in the face of our changing climate. Below, we consider the importance of Mitigation

Sustainable Cities in Action Forum 2024
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The 2023 World Bank publication “Thriving: Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate” finds that cities are responsible for two-thirds of global energy consumption and account for more than 70 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions.  

The anticipated addition of a further 2.5 billion urban dwellers by 2050 will make the demand on urban resources and infrastructure even greater – at a time when we also depend on cities for more than 80 per cent of global GDP. 

So how do we ensure that cities prosper and thrive within planetary boundaries?  

Sustainable Cities in Action Forum 2024 provided a launchpad for a multitude of urban leaders and stakeholders to work together to adopt integrated, green urban planning strategies that address these interconnected challenges, including investing in green spaces and sustainable infrastructure.  

Expo City Dubai took a leading role in this transformation journey. A purpose-built sustainable city on the journey to net zero, Expo City Dubai is an innovation ecosystem and a test bed for leaps forward that are innovative, scalable and transferable. Experts from its Sustainability and City Advisory teams joined peers and policymakers from around the world to explore innovative strategies and solutions. 

The focus was on moving those conversations from idea to prototype to actionable outcome as quickly as possible. Harnessing the creativity of a multitude of public and private institutions means cities can reimagine their infrastructure, design and cooling resources while decarbonising at speed. Replicable nature-based solutions, such as tree planting schemes and reducing heat-absorbing surfaces, means cities can be cooled – making residents safer, healthier and more productive. 

By spotlighting mitigation, Sustainable Cities in Action Forum 2024's mission was to ensure that urban leaders are inspired and empowered to take tangible steps towards reducing their cities’ carbon footprint, paving the way for a greener, healthier, more resilient urban future. 

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