

Our mission is to catalyse solutions for transformative change to make cities more prosperous, equitable, low carbon and climate resilient. Sustainable Cities in Action distilled that mission into three themes: Heat Resilience, Mitigation and Adaptation

Sustainable Cities in Action Forum 2024
Urban Resilience
Cities & Communities
Sustainable Urban Development
Climate Action
Thought leadership
Technology & Innovation
Business Solutions

In our ongoing conversations and collaborations with strategic decision-makers and influencers in urban development, our three inaugural themes of Heat Resilience, Mitigation and Adaptation repeatedly come up as both challenges and opportunities now, and in the years to come. 

Heat Resilience holds particular resonance for urban environments. As global temperatures rise, heat is absorbed by a city’s built environment, then released back into the air causing heat stress that impacts lives and livelihoods. In bringing together expertise and solutions from city leaders, innovators urbanists and community groups, Sustainable Cities in Action 2024 will enable a global and cross-disciplinary exchange of experience and knowledge on how to cool our cities and reverse the urban ‘heat island’ effect. 

Mitigation concentrates on what cities can do now to reduce their carbon footprints, given that urban areas contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. The Sustainable Cities in Action Forum programme brings together city leaders and urbanists to explore actionable strategies for navigating this complex urban challenge. Innovative solutions are being implemented across the MEASA region right now; the Forum’s objective is to use the power of collaboration to develop these innovations still further and transform our cities for the better. 

Adaptation looks at how cities can enhance their capacity to cope with the impacts of climate change, and extreme weather events directly affecting human lives and livelihoods. The Forum will highlight the importance of resilient infrastructure, urban planning, and social value creation. While extreme heat and other climate-related pressures are likely to be issues for many years to come, the cities of the MEASA region and the world can work together to find proactive rather than reactive solutions to the challenges of extreme weather.  

These, and other urban issues, were the topic of conversation at Sustainable Cities in Action Forum 2024. Find out more

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